Friday, September 7, 2012


The most frequent time I hear my name is when somebody is yelling at me for a poorly thought out or “bad” joke. My “cruel” sense of humor has only a tinge of sarcasm, or so I’m told. I believe that the unremitting sarcasm comes from the background of my name. The biblical meaning of the name Michael is “Who is like God?” which is a rhetorical question itself. Rhetorical questions are a key element of sarcasm. People may see my humor as malicious and uncaring, but if they can see past the asperity, they’ll realize it’s all as good natured as a forest fire.  The name Michael is also at a high level in the biblical hierarchy. Michael was a mighty warrior, protector and promoter of righteousness. I like to think that I stand for the right principles and am capable of being a qualified leader. Being as big as I am, with proper morals, allows me to instigate and pester like a mosquito without the fear of paying dearly for it. SMACK! 

Where I got my name...


  1. You can certainly come of as a sarcastic jerk, but I've long since learned to see past the rough edges, and now you're one of my very best and most trusted friends. Your somewhat callous attitude and "witty" responses still dance on my nerves occasionally, but deep, DEEP down (just kidding...), you're a sweetheart, whether you choose to accept it or not.

  2. I like how you elements of speech to help further your point.

  3. The end was so different than the rest of the poem which made it sum up well.

  4. I really like how you used the onomonopia at the end.

  5. I like how your name has a lot of history and you put that all in there. Good job

  6. " good natured as a forest fire"

    Only you can prevent forest fires.

  7. The Biblical background you gave better represented you and your relation to it.

  8. This name will forever fit you. Plus your sarcasm is hilarious.

  9. Michael,
    As good natured as a forest fire... That was sarcasm wasn't it?

  10. Great job! I'm glad to see that you used the forest fire thing! You definitely wrote very true, fun words.

  11. You really went into depth about how you felt a sense of sarcasm from your name! It goes to show that you really took time into researching and not just putting the first person with the name Michael down! Great job!

  12. I really like the smack at the end added some very nice emphasis on the metaphor great job

  13. I liked your poem a lot ! Especially the part where I got to hit you!

  14. I liked your poem it was funny it reflects you :b good job

  15. I like how you spoke planly but with power so everyone knows that you meen what you say.

  16. I really liked the line whee you said that you were as good natured as a forest fire. It took me a second to understand what you were talking about. Then I got it. You're really disastourous but beneficial swell. But you stole it from kristian!

  17. Well done! I really enjoy hearing/reading your thoughts, they are quite interesting!

  18. " as good natured as a forest fire" that was a very creative comparison. I can definitely tell that you took a lot of time to make this

  19. I liked your vocabulary in the blog post.

  20. BECAUSE like how you gave a picture from which you name came from great job and I like the smack thing great job !!!!!!!!!!

  21. Hy, so I am very impressed with your paper.. You known who Michael the archangel is right? Because Michael is all that you said and more! Not only a great warrior, and high up, the true identitynofnmichael the archangel is JESUS. Hooooly cow : D. How cool is that right?
