Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Money is Not Everything

        I took from this project that teaching myself how to use video editing software did prove to be useful, that I need more than five friends, and that money is not everything. The video itself was relatively easy to put together after I got enough people lined up and in order. Friends are nice to have, but they do not always listen when you tell them how things need to be done. There proved to be something better than money too, happyness. Most of what people would do to be happy, does not require much money.  I saw the results of a study on the news today that stated kids from age 12 to adulthood are more happy if their parents had money. I believe that. Kids are spoiled with money! Chances are pretty good that they claim to be happy, but do not know what true happyness feels like because they think money causes happyness. It does not. True happyness come from doing good in society while enjoying it.

Project joined with the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness"

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