Friday, January 11, 2013

Nice to Meet You

        I would love to go back and confront some alien invaders that made my childhood miserable at times. Those pathogens that plagued me as a young child were relentless. I would invite them to have dinner at my house, but to sit in a chair, not on my food. Eventually they would find themselves locked in a room much like how they kept me stuck in my room. A fight is sure to follow that as they beg me to release them. "Let us out you weak human." "No, you invaders make me sick!" Opening the door and throwing a can of disinfectant with the button taped down would be my long awaited revenge. The pathogens that caused me so many miserable nights would not exist and I would have been much healthier. I think that is even better than any vaccine that could fail. If I want those pathogens eliminated, I must do it myself.

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