Friday, April 26, 2013

It's Not My Fault

When parents warn their child not to do something, who's fault is the result if they do not listen? Most blame does, and should, fall on the child, while a portion does still belong to the parents. Say the child wants to climb a weak tree, but his parents warn against it. He then says, "I'm gonna do it anyway!" If the parents respond along the lines of, "Go ahead. See what happens," they now inherit some of the fault. Now say the child falls because the tree is slippery and rips his pants. That is entirely the child's doing and he alone is too blame. If the child falls from the tree breaking a bone or two, the parents now are partly responsible because they allowed their child to act in a way that could have resulted in severe injury to teach a lesson. My parents do not see this the way I do. My view is parents should be able to control their kids enough to keep them safe from such an event.

1 comment:

  1. Parents should be able to control their children... but I may find that it is more easily said than done.
