Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Everybody Lies..."*

Not every situation requires complete honesty. In cases where the truth could hurt someone or cause more problems it is not needed. When questioned about events and who did them, I feel it is best to deny knowing anything. As long as it would not harm people, I feel it is a safe way to go. If I say I know even the smallest detail I will end up being drawn into the middle of the entire situation. I have had enough of that in my life. Eventually the person that tries to help gets tangled into the event and sometimes blamed. If I readily give up my information, I'll be able to rest knowing I have done all I can and I gave truthful information. Honesty can sometimes hurt more than it helps. When the truth could cause more problems, I have no problem keeping it away from people. I will not lie, just avoid it.

*This wise truth comes from Dr. Gregory House's wise words

"It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies.The only variable is about what."

Thursday, February 14, 2013

High School at a Glance

  I am in 10th grade at special high school called Early College. While I work toward my high school diploma, I will also be taking college classes to be put toward an Associates degree. Even though it can be rough and there is more expected from me, I am up for the rewarding challenge. While my numerous accomplishments keep me going, I have faced my fair share of struggles, and I hope I will continue to power through them to my future goals.
I have faced many struggles and pitfalls throughout my high school years. The most dangerous, fun and easy to say yes to is procrastination. Who wants to do today what they could put off until tomorrow? Lack of motivation does not do anything to help me out of the procrastination cycle. I need to get up and do that paper, but I really do not feel like it. Anything I am doing feels like more fun than that school work. English has also been a thorn in my side not only in high school, but my whole life. I speak the language every day, but the class is not that easy. I do not fail that class, but it requires a substantially higher amount of work than any other class. Even though these struggles have been a pain, I have also accomplished quite a bit through hard work.
My accomplishments are what keep me going and make me feel that what I am doing has a reason and is not a waste. I have managed to keep grades that I am very proud of. Grades are one of the most important parts of high school to me. Every class, except for one, has a semester average of an A. I have been invited to join various groups, most notably an Early Scientists program. Being asked and knowing that somebody wants me as part of their group is a feeling that some people will never know. I have also developed this sense of perfectionism that drives me forward. I like things to be as close to perfect as I can get them. I feel that gaining this sense is a huge accomplishment because not all people have it. I hope that my current accomplishments will carry me into my future to be just as successful.
I have very high hopes for my future. My high school years have shown me what I am capable of. I want to continue in my two strongest subjects, math and science. They are both my best subjects and ones I enjoy very much. Engineering seems to be the path I want to take in college. It has both a high employability and a challenging aspect to it. I like to challenge myself and take things apart, so I think it is perfect. I am most determined to keep my grades as close to perfect As as I can. Many people say it will not happen, but I can always try. I have done well this far. I have extremely high expectations for my future, but if I continue the way I am now I should have no problem.
    While high school has given me a fair deal of struggles, my accomplishments give me the drive I need, and I hope my success continues to my future goals. English has never been my friend. Every year it is my worst subject and threatens my straight As. My drive for perfection did not take long to develop and it keeps me from not doing things. If I remember an assignment, it must get done. Science and math are both my favorite and best subjects and I want to follow them into my future. My high school time has been a time of worth while challenges.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Long Distance Bullying

In this new age of technology one person can communicate with another from just about anywhere in the world. Being able to stay so far away tends to make the bullies braver than they would be face to face. In my opinion, people that spend more time on the internet seem to be more sensitive and bullies may feel they are easier to prey on. I think outside people would be more likely to step in if the bullying takes place over the internet. Make one spelling or grammar mistake in an online comment and people will jump all over it to correct it. I believe more people would jump in to help a victim rather than add to the problem. Over the internet, anyone who helps does not need to worry about the aggressor turning to beat them up next. It should feel much safer. I do not spend enough time on the internet to say I have seen this, but I have been thrown into many physical confrontations. I was neither the bully, nor the one being bullied, but a witness or the one expected to help. I remember in Junior High, helping one kid in particular. I did not like him one bit, but I could not just sit and watch. I do not recommend jumping in to separate people, but I was bigger than both of them. I felt that any decent human would help. I have no regrets from helping, but I know I would have many if I ignored the situation.