Friday, February 8, 2013

Long Distance Bullying

In this new age of technology one person can communicate with another from just about anywhere in the world. Being able to stay so far away tends to make the bullies braver than they would be face to face. In my opinion, people that spend more time on the internet seem to be more sensitive and bullies may feel they are easier to prey on. I think outside people would be more likely to step in if the bullying takes place over the internet. Make one spelling or grammar mistake in an online comment and people will jump all over it to correct it. I believe more people would jump in to help a victim rather than add to the problem. Over the internet, anyone who helps does not need to worry about the aggressor turning to beat them up next. It should feel much safer. I do not spend enough time on the internet to say I have seen this, but I have been thrown into many physical confrontations. I was neither the bully, nor the one being bullied, but a witness or the one expected to help. I remember in Junior High, helping one kid in particular. I did not like him one bit, but I could not just sit and watch. I do not recommend jumping in to separate people, but I was bigger than both of them. I felt that any decent human would help. I have no regrets from helping, but I know I would have many if I ignored the situation.


  1. I absolutely agree that people are eager to correct spelling online! It is funny how important proofreading becomes in the real world. Great picture too.
