Thursday, January 31, 2013

Let It Be

People do have the right to claim items that may not technically belong to them, but they can always be taken back by the true owner. This woman is defending her house which she feels rightfully belongs to her. The South African police claim the house is built on illegally sold land. How was she to know that the land was not officially hers? This woman could have given every cent she had for that land and built her house on it. Now the police come and want to take that all away and destroy it. Not only was this done to her, but 44 others. There should be some sort of compromise between the house owners and the government. The owners were deceived just as badly, if not worse by the people that sold them the land. In a case such as this, the government should not displace families and cause them to possibly lose everything. No matter how I look at it, given the circumstances, it is not right to take the land away from these people.

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