Friday, January 4, 2013

A Merry Violent Christmas

        I had, what my dad called, a very violent Christmas. I am glad to say that it was not because of family fights in any way. Rather, it was because my family was too nice and got me what I wanted. While ripping boxes open on Christmas morning, I was greeted by an assortment of items that threatened the safety and tranquility of my home. In the first box, I found a new slingshot that wrapped around my wrist for added leverage. In the second larger box, I was surprised to find two new air soft pistols. One was completely metal, and the other was plastic and pocket sized. My parents told me there was one more, but I had to go retrieve it from the shed. It took me forever, but I finally found a box that was not there before. I gripped the box and tried to lift it only to find that it was not moving. I made my dad help me carry that cruel joke into the house. Inside this unmarked box, I found a 100lbs. MMA punching bag. I got basically everything I wanted for Christmas. My parents must really trust me, or they are getting ready to tell me some bad news.
New Years was equally as violent. My brother and I packed snow to make a strong fort that supported us both. We dug a small hole straight down through the top for later. At midnight, my dad and I placed two large firecrackers down the hole and ran. The explosion was louder than any of the ones we heard in the neighborhood. The damage only amounted to a chunk out of the top of the fort. It looked kind of like a volcano. This Christmas break was a bit more violent than usual, but we all made it through and had plenty of fun.

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