Friday, December 14, 2012

A Letter to my Little Brother

Dear Chris,
You always complained and asked why I was so picky with near everything you did. You always claimed I was mean, and did it only for that reason. I did get harsh, but I had good reason. You were, and still are, a stubborn butthead much like me. If you hating me for a little while was what it took, I accepted that. I did not want you to do dumb, annoying things or to give people anything to use against you. Those bullies use anything they can find. While still allowing you to be yourself, I had to stop, warn, or at least make you think about doing certain things. I felt it was my job to guide you. Dad allowed me to do this because he figured you'd listen to me the best. Mom got mad at me for upsetting you so much, but you just took things to heart too much. I am not really sorry, as I see how you turned out alright. I hope you realize, too, that I was right and it worked.

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