Friday, December 7, 2012

Who do I look to?

I try not to look up to any one person too much. No one person is a perfect example. However, my friends do inspire me. It is their fault that I am who I am today. If they have a beneficial habit, I try to mimic it. If my friends have a bad habit, I will learn from it and try my hardest to avoid it. If it were not for my friends, I would be completely happy with Bs in school. Now that is not the case. I have smart friends, so now As are all I can get and still be satisfied. I am very competitive when it comes to grades now. In grades six through eight, my friends Andrew and Michael competed and I soon joined. I have carried that competitiveness with me ever since. My friends do not even have to compete with me. I just want to do better for myself. In a way, I guess I could say that my friends inspired me to be so driven towards As and I just continued.

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