Friday, November 30, 2012

Mountains and Fog

If I could live anywhere in the world I wanted, I would live on a mountain. The mountains are quiet and peaceful. I would not need to worry about what other people do because hopefully, I would be alone. The only problems being so far away from people would be long trips to stores and the possibility of poor Internet service, if any at all. I would not want to be completely cut off from all people either. I also like the mornings I have experienced in the mountains. It seems that no matter what season I would wake up to cool, brisk air and fog. I love the fog! I think fog looks pretty when it covers the lower trees in the valley and the sun hits it. I would not mind waking up to that every day. I would really like to live in the mountains because my house could be bigger, I would not have to worry about what my neighbors are doing, and I like the mild weather. The best vacations I have taken were somewhere in the mountains.

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