Friday, November 9, 2012

It Just Stands Out

        My favorite book is one that I was originally forced to read. “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” is one of the very few books that I have finished, and then did not immediately think was a waste of time. I very much enjoyed that book. The main character, Eddie, dies attempting to save a young girl from a malfunctioning amusement park ride. On his way to heaven, Eddie is visited by five people from his life that had gone before him. These people are there to teach him five lessons he should take from his life. The only question Eddie has that none of the people will answer is if he did in fact save the girl he gave his life for. This book is special to me because I can see no better way to go than to save another, specifically a young child. It does a great job of painting the pictures of the events after death also. An odd little incident I had with this book is that after I finished it, I told my mother and others to read it because I liked it so much. I did not tell my grandpa however, but when he died over the summer I found the book on the table next to his chair half read. I could not believe the book showed up there! I think I have some sort of bond with this book. Ever since I finished it, I have seen it many times. 

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