Friday, January 25, 2013

Greatest Act

        The greatest act a person can do is to risk their life for another. First responders do it everyday. They wake up every morning with the thought that they may not return home safely, or at all, in the back of their mind. Why would anyone risk their most valuable possession for another person's? Soldiers do it because of their devotion to the country and the good of the many they defend. Knowing that they are so heavily depended on, trusted, and responsible is enough to make them take drastic actions. I honestly can think of no better way to go. In a world where people put themselves above every other person, it means so much more. If I ever had a doubt that I did something worth while with my life, giving it for another would make up for that lifetime. Giving of one's life gives them that final feeling of accomplishment that is sought while living.
        We also have the people who give in to fear and selfishness and help nobody. They only care about their well being and that is it. It is human nature to fear death and risking it for another. These people are not horrible, they simply fall victim to human nature. It is harder for some people to make such huge sacrifices and risks than others.

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