Friday, April 19, 2013

This Better Be Worth It!

Taking my family's campsite from what it was when we bought it to what it is now has taken all six years we have been there. When we bought it, we had to use a great deal of imagination for it was simply a muddy lot with a few trees. They had just run the bulldozer over the land. The second year we returned to find a very rich neighbor with a camper that could very well eat ours if it felt like doing so. (Repo men eventually ended that) My dad noticed a few neighbors had plastic border to contain the gravel and keeping it out of the grass. He got this great idea that we should too, but not the simple plastic. He wanted to use massive landscaping timbers two layers high! Our parking area could not be a normal shape such as a rectangle. It had to have about half a dozen changes in direction. It took a whole summer of measuring, cutting, drilling and hammering, but the border was finally in place and anchored with rebar. I tripped over it countless number times that summer. The work was long, difficult and very tedious, but the site looks great compared to what it was. However, grass still refuses to grow correctly. My only worry is now that we are getting a much bigger camper my dad may want to expand the area.

Sadly, pictures of the site will not be available until sometime in May, but I do have pictures of the campground itself.

Game room

Newest playground

One of the fishing lakes with lake view sites.

1 comment:

  1. That campground is only a few miles from my house. It looks like a great place.
