Friday, April 12, 2013

Devotion to Discovery

        Although people usually prefer to stay in there comfort zone, many venture outside those boundaries. Curiosity draws people toward the unknown. The most adventurous will leave everything they feel comfortable with, and jump into unknown worlds. Scientists often take expeditions to unpopulated areas that last months, even years. Mainly scientists also spend their time researching and experimenting topics of question. Some devote their entire lives to discovering the unknown.
        Curiosity is what drives people to question what they do not already know. If not satisfied, this curiosity can become a great obsession. Obsessions over knowledge have lead to many great discoveries due to the dedication it requires. The desire to make groundbreaking discoveries and become famous drives many others looking for a reason to be known. Still, others do so in the hope of finding meaning and reason for their life. They need that sense of accomplishment that accompanies discovery and success.
        Sacrifices are part of such a dedication, some more major than others. The large amounts of time used in exploration means less time for family and events. Important events that usually would not be missed are forgotten. Large get togethers for holidays are reduced. Friends can even be lost by the severity of an obsession over knowing. I know that when I'm determined to accomplish something important, I often ignore people and forget personal tasks. Friends and family are not happy and worry.

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