Sunday, June 2, 2013

I Just Wrote a Letter to Me

Dear Mr. Gonet:

I have seen the things you have done. I am quite proud of you for the way you have made the best of what was handed to you. The worst possible events, one right after another, were fought through and proved to be no match for you. I am sure it has not gotten any easier; graduation is coming, and you realize the fun is over and life is real. Much like the previous experiences, I am sure you can handle anything thrown at you.

By now you have to be over the mistakes you once made and learned from them. I hope you have done away with that bad habit of "why do today what can be put off until another day." That just made it tougher on yourself. When you allowed that work to pile up it made everything worse, but guess what, you got it all done. When you tried your hardest, you were able to be great at whatever you set your mind to. You maintained a super high GPA throughout freshman year, and when sophomore year got even rougher you maintained it the best you could. I do not know of any person who would complain about a 3.95. Keep it up and one day you will make a significant contribution to society and be known for it.

I hope you have kept your resilience. Your ability to go down, stay for a short while, and renew your drive is a rare and extremely valuable one. Everybody falls now and then, but the important part is to get right back up. That sense of humor hopefully is lively as ever. I understand as one gets older life can get pretty dry. Now remember, you have made it through what you though was the "worst thing ever" and are still alive. This means nothing can knock you down and keep you there. Get back up, use your good qualities and move forward. Your family, friends, and dreams will keep you going. Now I will not be around to see any of this or give you a kick in the butt, but little you has faith in bigger you. Make him proud.

Sincerely you,

Michael Gonet

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