Friday, May 24, 2013


Sometimes it can be difficult to forgive a person who has done wrong even if it is the right thing to do. When I am wronged and wish to forgive the person, there is this voice in the back of my mind that has to point out every reason under the sun to not forgive them. Some people do not change and will repeat the offense or have not earned forgiveness. Although it can be difficult, I try my hardest to forgive everybody especially if they ask to be forgiven.
Once I had this language teacher who loved to go home and think of new "fun" assignments for his awesome students. He gave these assignments over weekends and holiday breaks even when the students felt they were all caught up on their work and could relax and enjoy the days off. Then, he gave them a writing assignment over Memorial Day weekend. I have a personal rule of no homework that weekend, but that was broken this year. It is going to be pretty difficult to get over it this time. (But he did do a great job of making me a better writer)

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