Friday, May 17, 2013

Everybody Needs a Friend

Companionship is an important part of not only the human experience, but that of many living creatures. One human will marry another human to be bound to the one person they feel they could not live without. Humans need to know that there will be somebody there to share good times with them and talk, to pick them up when things are not going great, and just to know somebody cares. People occasionally ask, "would anyone care if I wasn't here?" Companionships allow these people to know that yes, somebody does care.
Animals also form beneficial companionships, although these are more for protection than emotional support. On shows such as National Geographic and Animal Planet, a common thing to show is unusual animal friends. Animals of different species have come together to fill the need for a friend. This little article shows a few odd friendships between animals and gives a short description:

My Favorite, the kitten and chick.

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