Friday, May 3, 2013

How the Rejected Respond

There is this special group of people in this world that feel they are above all and look down upon others. They often treat those they see as interior very poorly and reject them. This can leave the outcast with many strong emotional responses. In my experiences, the emotions follow a certain pattern. First is the sadness of feeling unwanted followed by anger and hatred. In extreme cases, malice can accompany these feelings and the rejected wish bad luck upon the ones who hurt them. There was this great basketball player in my junior high years that had few friends that were not players themselves and this made it hard for him to fit in. He hopped from team to team trying to fit in where he was treated kindly and with respect. Being that we are a CYO team, we were obligated to take him and give him a chance. He improved our team greatly and was a major helpful addition. The one thing I remember him talking about how he hated the teams that treated him as inferior. He was a perfect example of how people react the feelings of rejection.

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