Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Let Me Out!"

Camping is what I love to do. I like to be outside doing anything other than sitting in the house. While I am camping, I am outdoors all day long. I usually stay out until I am too tired to move at all. During the daytime, I am either carving something in wood, exploring the woods, or playing basketball or football. I will stay out longer than usual at night while out at the campground, even if it is raining. I do not care if I get soaked and cold. Entertainment is usually provided every Friday and Saturday night, but since I last longer than the activities, I have to find my own. Sneaking around through the woods to the back of random peoples’ campsites is high on my list of favorites. People are much friendlier and know how to take a joke better out there. I have actually made many friends by this method. They think it is pretty cool and already have a good idea that I am a fun person. I feel I am a much different and happier person while at the campground. It is my “happy place” and I try not to worry about a thing.

1 comment:

  1. I love camping too! Where do you go? We have done some state parks around the area, and we also do some backyard camping on our property.
