Friday, October 19, 2012

Maybe We Should Not Have

         If I could change one thing I did in my life, it would be the outcome of that football game in the house. My mom told my brother and I to stop playing in the house and go outside with our energy. She went down to the basement to do laundry, and was not around to keep yelling at us, so we continued. I’m not exactly the lightest person, so when I fall, it can be heard downstairs. The floor shakes a bit. Mom starts yelling at us again, but we do not care, we are young kids and she is not in front of us. Football continues even in the worst of conditions. I decided to run as fast as I could around my brother, and he pushed me. Although I am much bigger, I lost my footing on the carpet and slid into a coffee table. Sitting on that coffee table were those faceless figurines that creep most people out, me included. It turned out that even though they are wood, if they are hit hard enough, they did break. Now there are no more faceless people to make fun of, and I miss them. My mom really did not care as much as most would think. My dad and I are the only ones who miss those faceless creeps because we could make fun of them and people that came over found it funny. I am really upset with the absence of them, but playing football in the house was totally worth it.

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