Thursday, January 31, 2013

Let It Be

People do have the right to claim items that may not technically belong to them, but they can always be taken back by the true owner. This woman is defending her house which she feels rightfully belongs to her. The South African police claim the house is built on illegally sold land. How was she to know that the land was not officially hers? This woman could have given every cent she had for that land and built her house on it. Now the police come and want to take that all away and destroy it. Not only was this done to her, but 44 others. There should be some sort of compromise between the house owners and the government. The owners were deceived just as badly, if not worse by the people that sold them the land. In a case such as this, the government should not displace families and cause them to possibly lose everything. No matter how I look at it, given the circumstances, it is not right to take the land away from these people.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

Greatest Act

        The greatest act a person can do is to risk their life for another. First responders do it everyday. They wake up every morning with the thought that they may not return home safely, or at all, in the back of their mind. Why would anyone risk their most valuable possession for another person's? Soldiers do it because of their devotion to the country and the good of the many they defend. Knowing that they are so heavily depended on, trusted, and responsible is enough to make them take drastic actions. I honestly can think of no better way to go. In a world where people put themselves above every other person, it means so much more. If I ever had a doubt that I did something worth while with my life, giving it for another would make up for that lifetime. Giving of one's life gives them that final feeling of accomplishment that is sought while living.
        We also have the people who give in to fear and selfishness and help nobody. They only care about their well being and that is it. It is human nature to fear death and risking it for another. These people are not horrible, they simply fall victim to human nature. It is harder for some people to make such huge sacrifices and risks than others.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Nice to Meet You

        I would love to go back and confront some alien invaders that made my childhood miserable at times. Those pathogens that plagued me as a young child were relentless. I would invite them to have dinner at my house, but to sit in a chair, not on my food. Eventually they would find themselves locked in a room much like how they kept me stuck in my room. A fight is sure to follow that as they beg me to release them. "Let us out you weak human." "No, you invaders make me sick!" Opening the door and throwing a can of disinfectant with the button taped down would be my long awaited revenge. The pathogens that caused me so many miserable nights would not exist and I would have been much healthier. I think that is even better than any vaccine that could fail. If I want those pathogens eliminated, I must do it myself.

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Merry Violent Christmas

        I had, what my dad called, a very violent Christmas. I am glad to say that it was not because of family fights in any way. Rather, it was because my family was too nice and got me what I wanted. While ripping boxes open on Christmas morning, I was greeted by an assortment of items that threatened the safety and tranquility of my home. In the first box, I found a new slingshot that wrapped around my wrist for added leverage. In the second larger box, I was surprised to find two new air soft pistols. One was completely metal, and the other was plastic and pocket sized. My parents told me there was one more, but I had to go retrieve it from the shed. It took me forever, but I finally found a box that was not there before. I gripped the box and tried to lift it only to find that it was not moving. I made my dad help me carry that cruel joke into the house. Inside this unmarked box, I found a 100lbs. MMA punching bag. I got basically everything I wanted for Christmas. My parents must really trust me, or they are getting ready to tell me some bad news.
New Years was equally as violent. My brother and I packed snow to make a strong fort that supported us both. We dug a small hole straight down through the top for later. At midnight, my dad and I placed two large firecrackers down the hole and ran. The explosion was louder than any of the ones we heard in the neighborhood. The damage only amounted to a chunk out of the top of the fort. It looked kind of like a volcano. This Christmas break was a bit more violent than usual, but we all made it through and had plenty of fun.