Friday, September 28, 2012

What to Do With The Kids

         I think the government should not provide free day care for parents. I think a major issue with families today is that the kids never see their parents. I see many parents that will take any and every chance to pawn their kids off on another person. They should not even have kids if they are not going to be the ones to take care of them. Having children means more than just providing for them financial. It also means being there and supporting them as they grow. Parents could miss milestones in life because they were under the care of another who may not care as if it were their own child. I understand that in many cases this cannot be helped, but leaving kids in the care of another person so often should not be encouraged. If it must be done, another family member would be best. Even better than another family member or a day care is manipulating work schedules so that one parent is always home, if possible. That means one parent could work days, and the other works nights. As I was growing up my mom was always home with me. She quit her job to be home to take care of my brother and I. I believe having parents take care of and raise their children has a major impact on how the child will turn out, their morals and values, and who they are as a person.

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